ISWAP Leader Is Dead – Army Reveals

Chief of Defence Staff of the Nigerian Army, General Lucky Irabor, has confirmed that ISWAP Leader is dead, after an attack made on his camp by the Army troops.

Recall that few months ago, a related rumor also hit the net that the leader of Religion (Boko-Haram) terrorist sect, Abubakar Sheu was killed by the members of ISWAP, (Islamic State West Africa Province) after an alleged clash that happened over a domain, by the terrorist groups, which appeared to be true because Sheu has not made an appearance, since then.

Earlier today, during a speech, General Lucky Irabor stated that Abu Muab Barnawi, ISWAP leader Is dead.

” I can confidently state that Abu Muab has kicked the bucket, and gone forever”.
When reporters and news media, tried to ask about how, or more details about the incident, the Chief of Defence Staff failed to disseminate any further information.

Though the jihadist group has not made any comment or confirm the death of their leader, because there is an instance of cases when the military have claimed to have killed terrorist, only for them to reappear after a while.

There is speculation that Abu Musab al-Barnawi may be killed by members of the Boko Haram in retaliation for their dead commander.

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