Joe Igbokwe, the Lagos APC spokesperson, took to Facebook to share the response Asiwaju Support Group delivered to Ruben Abati on Arise TV when he posed questions regarding Tinubu and Osinbajo.
According to his Facebook post, Arise TV asked the question “What if Osinbajo Decides to run against Tinubu, how will Tinubu feel?” Ruben Abati, a popular Nigerian journalist was on the program and he was the one that reportedly asked the question.
Asiwaju Support Group responded to Ruben Abati, noting that Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu is well-known. People should be aware that he will enjoy it.
Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu will be pleased that his ‘political son’ has matured to the point where he can compete with him. According to the article, Tinubu will use Osinbajo’s effort to gauge how far he has progressed politically, and he will be delighted with whatever outcome he achieves.
Tinubu doesn’t raise followers; he raises credible leaders, according to Asiwaju Support Group. Tinubu doesn’t give people he mentors clipped wings because he wants them to fly even higher than him; he enjoys seeing those he mentored soar. See his post below: