Lagos Among Top Cities At Risk Of Disappearing By 2100, WEF Reveals Startling Rankings

Lagos, Nigeria, has been ranked second among cities at risk of disappearing by 2100, according to the World Economic Forum’s analysis via World of Statistics.

Jakarta, Indonesia, tops the list, sinking at a rate of 6.7 inches annually due to excessive groundwater extraction.

Lagos state faces a sinking rate of 0.3 inches each year and grapples with coastal erosion. Houston, Texas, in the United States, follows closely, sinking at 0.2 inches annually and also confronting the peril of hurricanes.

Other cities grappling with a similar fate include Dhaka, Bangladesh, Venice, Italy, Virginia Beach, Bangkok, New Orleans, Rotterdam, and Alexandria, among others.

Miami, Florida, occupies the 11th position in this alarming catalog of cities facing an existential threat.

The sinking of these cities is caused by global warming and rising sea levels. The situation is so dire that proposals include elevating roads and even abandoning neighborhoods to the water to protect others.

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