‘If You Are Sitting For An Exam, You Don’t Delegate The Answering Of Question To People’ – Reuben Abati

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The Presidential candidate of the All Progressive Congress, Asiwaju Bola Ahead spoke at the Chatham house in the United Kingdom yesterday. Asiwaju spoke on certain issues about the economy, security, and foreign policy.

The review of the event is being made and observations are being noted by Journalists who attended the meeting at the Chatham House. One of the key moments is when Asiwaju delegated his teams to answer the questions being thrown at him by the Journalist after his speech at the Chatham House.

Reuben Abati in an Arise Tv show has responded to the claims being made by the All Progressive congress campaign council that Asiwaju is being presidential by delegating tasks to his team. According to Dr. Reuben, Tinubu is not yet the President, and that he should fulfill the duty of responding to these questions by himself. 

He said, ”Bola Tinubu is not yet President, he’s a person seeking for a position. He’s sitting for an examination and my key point is that if you are sitting for an exam, you don’t delegate the answering of questions to other people, that will amount to cheating. His people said he was trying to be Presidential, he should wait first and let the Nigerian people to decide.”

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