Keke Palmer releases attack footage, seeks restraining order against abusive ex-boyfriend

American famous actress, Keke Palmer, has filed for a restraining order against her estranged boyfriend, Darius Jackson, on the ground of gross abuse during their two-year relationship with a video of an attack.

According to thatgrapejuice, Palmer submitted photographic proof in support of her request for a restraining order, alleging that he abused her in front of their small child.

In addition Palmer is seeking sole custody of the 8-month-old son they had during their relationship, which lasted from June 2021 to October 2023.

The actress, earlier stated that Jackson allegedly trespassed into her home without consent, threatening and physically assaulting her, according to the New York Post.

The documents reportedly detailed instances of physical violence, destruction of personal property, and emotional abuse, including threats of self-harm.

Keke claimed the relationship permanently ended in early October due to the sustained physical and emotional abuse she suffered.

She wrote on the picture, saying, “The abuse during our relationship was not just physical but emotional and manipulative. Darius would “love bomb” me and make me feel like I was the most important woman in the world, only to get extremely distant and cold over a perceived insult to him,”

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