2023: Peter Obi’s 7-point Agenda For Nigeria

Labour Party made public their manifesto on Saturday night and on Sunday morning Peter Obi tweeted urging his followers to look it up.

Obi said, I have the honour to present our 72-page Manifesto, titled, “It’s POssible: Our Pact with Nigerians.” This Manifesto, its overarching and visionary policy planks, lay out our mission focus and mandate for securing, uniting and making Nigeria productive.I invite you to peruse the policy document.”

Peter Obi’s 72-page manifesto wreaks with a lot of promises, but here, we outline for you 7 main areas the manifesto hinges on.

In the section titled: “Purposeful and participatory leadership for national rebirth based on our 7 governance priorities,” Peter Obi and his team said the following:

1. Securing Nigeria, ending banditry and insurgency; and uniting our dear nation, to manage our diversity such that no one is left behind.

2. Production-centred growth for food security and export-Moving Nigeria from consumption to production.

3. Restructuring the polity through effective legal and institutional reforms, to fight corruption and enthrone rule of law and all- inclusive and effective government.

4. Leapfrogging Nigeria from an oil-dependent economy to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) with massive investment in new technologies.

5. Expanding physical infrastructure – with focus on critical sectors like power, multi-modal transportation, gas pipeline, etc.-through efficient public-private partnership (PPP) reforms (unleashing growth-enabling entrepreneurship and market-creating innovations).

6. Youth engagement and human capital development that improves quality of life of workers and families, and productivity-enhancing education that empowers labour competitiveness.

7. Robust foreign policy that restores Nigeria’s strategic relevance.

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