Shehu Sani Reacts After Charles Asked Why The North Are Still Poor Despite Producing Many Presidents

Best News Network  > Uncategorized >  Shehu Sani Reacts After Charles Asked Why The North Are Still Poor Despite Producing Many Presidents

A former senator and a human rights activist, Shehu Sani has reacted to the inquiry of a popular television anchor on Arise News, Charles Aniagolu on why the northern part of Nigeria still have the poorest set of people, despite having to produce many presidents from that same region.

The former senator who spoke on Arise News while reacting to the question opined that it all depends on how one use and apply power, as those who hold the highest positions in the political space in Nigeria have not been able to use that opportunity to address these problems causing poverty in the northern region.

However, the human rights activist pointed out that it is not a fact that it is only when you have someone in a position of power that all the various problems would just be solved, as such a thought should not have way in the minds of Nigerians.

Speaking further, he highlighted one of the basic causes of poverty in the country, which, inarguable the government is fighting, is the issue of insecurity which has been dominant in the northern part of Nigeria.

One will not be wrong to say that the northern part of the country is inarguable produced prominent presidents in many years.

Recall that the NBS had released a figure revealing over 100 million Nigerians are suffering from extreme poverty, with about 65 percent emerging from the northern part of the country.

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