Nine Arab Nations Call for Immediate Gaza Ceasefire

Nine Arab countries have asked the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to make the fighting groups in the Gaza Strip stop fighting right away and for a long time.

The news was announced in a statement made by the Foreign Ministers of Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, and Morocco.

The nine countries criticized hurting innocent people, any violent actions against them, and any breaking of international laws, like laws about helping people in need and protecting human rights, by any group.

They also strongly criticized and refused to accept any efforts to forcibly move people or groups, as well as the practice of punishing a whole group for the actions of a few.

The Arab foreign ministers also said it’s really important to release hostages and civilian detainees right away. They talked about how the International Committee of the Red Cross can help with this.

The ministers asked the UNSC to make sure that humanitarian aid can get to the Gaza Strip quickly, safely, and in a way that can continue for a long time. They want this to happen without any problems, following the rules for helping people in need.

They were really worried that the current fights and problems might spread to other places in the Middle East. They asked everyone involved to be very careful and not do anything extreme.

They also warned about the increase in violence in the West Bank. They asked the international community to help and strengthen the Palestinian National Authority, and give money to the Palestinian people.

Furthermore, the Arab diplomats emphasized the global endeavors to put into action the two-state solution, based on relevant resolutions from the United Nations

.The Israel-Hamas conflict has been going on for 20 days. Official reports say that about 7,028 Palestinians in Gaza and at least 1,400 people in Israel have died.

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