“Heartbreaking Revelation”: Nigerian Army Captain’s Letters Expose Commander’s Betrayal Before Tragic Suicide

New revelations have surfaced concerning the tragic death of Nigerian Army Captain Alphonsus Alexander Kalthy Bazza, who was found dead in a bush at the 2 Brigade Step-Up Headquarters for Exercise STILL WATERS III in Akwa Ibom State. The notes obtained left behind by Captain Bazza, sheddes light on his strained relationship with his commander and the alleged withholding of election allowances.

Captain Bazza’s lifeless body was discovered last week, initially reported as a suicide. Family members questioned the circumstances, prompting further investigation. The notes obtained by SaharaReporters reveal Captain Bazza’s frustration with his commander, Lieutenant Colonel NY Suleiman Baburka.

Among the handwritten notes, Captain Bazza expressed dissatisfaction with the handling of funds for the last general elections. He stated that his commander withheld his allowances and insisted on sending them to his wife, leading him to question such actions.

The notes also detailed instances of alleged bias, name-calling, and insults by Lieutenant Colonel Baburka towards Captain Bazza. The deceased officer accused his superior of labeling him a liar, expressing disappointment at not receiving the expected mentorship.

The notes further outlined various incidents, including a denial of leave to process his late mother’s death benefit and derogatory remarks made by Lieutenant Colonel Baburka in front of other soldiers.


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