Brad Pitt Reportedly ‘Depressed’ Over Adopted Son’s Explosive Instagram Post

In a revelation causing emotional distress, American actor Brad Pitt is reportedly feeling ‘depressed’ after his adopted son, Pax Jolie-Pitt, branded him a ‘world-class ahole’ and a ‘f*ing awful human’ in a controversial Instagram post from Father’s Day 2020.

Pax, currently 19 years old, shared the post on his private Instagram account at the age of 16, describing life with his father as ‘constant hell’ and accusing Pitt of being a ‘terrible and despicable person’ who instills fear in his younger siblings.

Sources close to Pitt express frustration at the portrayal, insisting that the 59-year-old actor is far from the ‘bad person’ depicted in Pax’s post. The insider notes that Pitt maintains ‘great respect’ for each of his children and chooses to ‘keep a dignified silence’ about the situation.

Angelina Jolie adopted Pax from an orphanage in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, in 2007 when he was three years old. Brad Pitt formally adopted him the following year. After Pitt and Jolie’s separation in 2016, the children predominantly stayed with their mother, following reported altercations aboard a private jet between Pitt and eldest son Maddox.

The private Instagram account in question, confirmed to belong to Pax, is primarily used for communication with friends from school.

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