A Major Nigerian City Tops Worst Traffic Cities In The World, 2023

According to the Global Traffic Congestion Rankings for 2023 by Traffic Index, Lagos State has clinched the top spot as the city with the worst road traffic worldwide. The rankings reveal Riga, the capital of Latvia, in the second position, followed by Tehran, the capital of Iran.

Mexico City in Mexico secures the fourth position, with Mumbai in India coming in fifth, and Krakow in Poland claiming the sixth spot. The list continues with Istanbul in Turkey at seventh place, Lima in Peru at eighth, Cairo in Egypt at ninth, and Bucuresti in Romania rounding out the top 10.

Below is a list of the top 10 cities with the worst road traffic in the world.

  1. Lagos (Nigeria)
  2. Riga (Latvia)
  3. Tehran (Iran)
  4. Mexico City (Mexico)
  5. Mumbai (India)
  6. Krakow (Poland)
  7. Istanbul (Turkey)
  8. Lima (Peru)
  9. Cairo (Egypt)
  10. Bucuresti (Romania)

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