Anambra Gubernatorial Debate 2021: My Candid Opinion! – Umeh Chinedu

…It confirmed our fears on the alleged arrogance and leadership disabilities of Prof. Soludo

…Deflated the decade lies peddled against the APC candidate, Senator Andy Uba and his humble disposition

…And Brightened the rear leadership qualities of Valentine Ozigbo

Written by: Umeh Chinedu Joseph (Heros)

This is my candid opinion, you might have every reason to agree or disagree with me. For the benefit of our people, let’s shove politics aside and say the candid Truth.

From the three candidates that participanted in the Anambra governorship election Debate yesterday, Anambrarian can now without further delay, make out their honest chioces based on ones intuitive decisions.

Senator Andy Uba

Honestly, let me start firstly with my candidate, Senator Andy Uba. Before the debate, I was so jittery of the would be performance of my candidate, Senator Andy Uba, a man of few words who I knew from my days at UNIZIKS 94.1 fm back days at the University. He was our major sponsor, facilitator and financier of the project. A calm and soft spoken man, a man who will never rebut an accusation against him, a man no matter what, though he built our Radio Fm can never face the press. He will calmly tell you, the people knows the truth. But I think in his later years, he has come to terms of what press power can do, he has come in terms with this saying that when lies are told severally without rebuttal, it will be regarded as true.

I gave him no chances facing the academic gaint Soludo and my senior brother Val. At first, all eyes was on him, seeing him walk up to the podium to many was the Hallmark of the show, time to slaughter and break the Carmel back. Yes, everyone of the opposition team have been waiting for this precious operation golden Dawn on Andy personality. One who for decades has been accused of the unthinkable, unimaginable and the unbelievable, my heart skipped faster and faster as he climbed the stair case to the podium. What can I do now, nothing but to wait for the punches that will be thrown from front, back, right and right, but he confidently mounted the podium.

But on a swift note, the first question landed on; tell us who you are? My dear, his first contributions got me, he said, let us observe a minute silence for the victims of the insecurity in our state. This gesture was symbolic, rare and commendable. This is a man who took the courage to suspend his flag off rally because of same insecurities. He eqaully suspended his rally at Aguata in respect to people who felled victims of the Ekwulobia shot-out. History will be kind to him.
Now on the business of the day, introduce yourself. He was simple with that, his name, town and his purpose of been there. Such a man of few words.

One thing was clear as he was attending to all his questions: he was straight to the point, composed, organized and calm. He wasn’t trying to impress anyone or to show-off. His plan are very clear to the audience and viewers.

His solution are top-notch. His political-will to effect changes can be clearly seen, his ability and eagerness to bring in best brains into his administration and his claims of not be “Mr I know all” were well spelt.

Give it to other debaters, they were more free with cumbersome grammar, but Andy was on point with his facts. Once he finishes with his questions he doesn’t go on to impress people with factual grammar, theories and unfounded principal.

His major success and breakthrough for him in this debate was that Andy succeeded in breaking the age-long accusations and counter accusations meted upon him which all the while was unfounded and the fallacies on him that have become institutions.

While he was been battered by the candidate of the APGA with all sort of accusation which many though will distabilized him, he went on without been disturbed and at few instances responded to few. This debate if it did not achieve anything for Senator Andy, it brought out to the voters a different personality in Senator Andy Uba: A kind, humble and a coordinated leaders who serves in most loyal ways. The punches and accusations of Andy turn to a blessing on him. The much celebrated blackmail was turned apart, his leadership capabilities moved to a highest indexes, his acceptance grew more, his chances remains highest and history will be calm on him.

Prof. Chukwuma Soludo

Let me take on the second person Prof. Chukwuma Soludo. Give it to him, he was the encyclopedia of vocabulary in that debate, blowing bogus Grammar, datas and figures. He was expert with words because that’s his domain; Teaching. Before the debate, his academic disposition was never in doubt. Everyone knew he was a Prof who was one of the Anambra brightest export to the world. Yes he is very intelligent even his foes can attest to the fact.
Then on the business of the day. He was asked to introduce himself, viiaaam his goes. He started cited who he was of which our people always say, “adi ekpulu onye uno ogodo” but that’s just by the way. In all his Debate, Prof Soludo made no attempt to answer any question on how he will better the lives of his people if voted into power. In all his responses was just to throw jabs to the personality of Senator Andy Uba, accusing him of the unthinkable, unimaginable and the unbelievable. Little at a time I was surprised whether it was this same personalities that the media have been branding for us as our solution. I couldn’t believe what was wrong and I asked: if truly this guy is a professor, didn’t he know where to petition his accusation of Senator Andy should the need arises? Again if this guy is intelligent, didn’t he know that the question are for him to enlighten his voters on his plans for them. He was so carried away with pride, pumposity and arrogance.

Over confidence thrashed him and confirmed the age long accusations of people on his leadership disabilities. He claim as Mr know it all makes him unfit for any leadership position because it will be impossible for his workers to Please him.

As Mr know it all, he will be too arogant to seek for help on areas his lacks knowledge. He practically destroyed himself in a move to blackmail the candidate of the APC. He portrayed himself as someone who can never be trusted with state powers. His supporters was frightened cos they might never get any reward from him should he wins. His refusal to show appreciation to the claim that is a well known fact, regarding Senator Andy’s help, in assisting him secure the role of the CBN governor, ehich depicts him as an ungrateful personality, who will just as leopard will never change his skin. This confirmed Dr. Okonji Iweala stake on him: an intellectual without character!

Val Ozigbo

On Val Ozigbo. This guy was so smart and refined. His confidence was next to non. He was good and exudes goodness. He was too clean to engage in furtile barter. At first, I didn’t give it to him but as the debate proceeds, I began to get interested on the personality of this guy.

He introduced himself very simply and went straight to the business of the day. He was equally just like Senator Andy Uba, was able to marchal out his points clearly without ambiguity of bogus Grammers.

Even when he was hot-dogged by the intellectual without character, he plainly told him that, hope he has not forgotten who he was and calmly gave his profile and went forward to cast aspersions on the arrogant professors claims that he will organize donors to help revamp Anambra state with a simple question: What is holding you complete a small cottage hospital people gave you money to do In memory of your mother for 13years now.

In all, I would have given it to this PDP guy but when you look at the way he emerged in the primaries, you will know the reason the cabals of the PDP allowed him to scaled through. They did that because they saw that loyalty in him, that calmness in him and that ability to restore God fatherism in Anambra which has remained the bain of the PDP. He won’t do much as a governor because of the above reason but give it to him, he assuaged confidence I had on him to the highest degree.

We the voters have seen our candidate and the prize we shall be expecting if we vote for our individual candidates.

It’s is my right, a divine task and my Civic responsibility. We have been politicing for long but now the responsibility of chosing our future have beckon.

Should we act in any unconcerned order, posterity will be hash on us. Let’s take our stand and our future in our hand by voting accordingly to our conscience. O ga adili Anambra State na Mma

Watch below;

Anambra State Governorship Debate

By Umeh Chinedu Joseph (Heros)

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