Sultan Of Sokoto Sends Warning To Political Leaders

Abubakar Sa’ad, the Sultan of Sokoto, has sent out a warning to all political leaders about the issues of politicization insecurity in Nigeria.

The rising spate of insecurity in Nigeria has appeared very alarming, with different reports of banditry, kidnapping, and terrorism from different regions every day.

The statement was made during a security conference orchestrated by Global Peace Foundation, in conjunction with Vision Africa in the Federal Capital Territory.

The Sultan of Sokoto sent a warning to all political leaders to stop the politicizing issues that deal with the security of lives and properties of citizens.

He stated that “Politicisation of such trivial issues will only heighten the level of insecurity in Nigeria.”

“It is very demeaning when we see political parties and leaders accuse one another of being incompetent to tackle insecurity.”

Recall that BEST NEWS NETWORK also reported that during the security conference, the former president of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, also criticized the administration of Buhari.

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