Why Mr. Ibu’s Sons And Adopted Daughter Was Arrested – Former Manager Explains

Emeka Chochoo, former manager of Nigerian actor Mr. Ibu, sheds light on the recent police invitation of Jasmine Chioma Okafor, the actor’s adopted daughter, and his two sons, Daniel and Val. The summons for interrogation revolves around allegations concerning the use of charity donations intended for Mr. Ibu’s healthcare.

Actress Doris Ogala broke the news, stating that Jasmine and Mr. Ibu’s sons were detained at the Alagbon Police Station over suspicions of misappropriating a substantial amount (approximately N300 million) from the donated funds. This money was meant to contribute to Mr. Ibu’s medical bills following recent surgery that led to the amputation of one of his legs.

The situation escalated when suspicions arose that Stella Maris Okafor, Mr. Ibu’s wife, played a role in involving the police. Stella Maris accused Jasmine of diverting the donated funds for personal use, triggering demands for accountability. There were speculations that Stella Maris intended to utilize the funds to acquire a new home for herself.

In response to the developments, Emeka Chochoo clarified that the police invitation did not equate to an arrest. He explained that Jasmine, Daniel, and Val were invited to answer questions regarding Mr. Ibu’s claims. However, Val was reportedly unaware of the unfolding events, having recently returned to the country.

Chochoo stated, “Yes, they were all invited by the police. I won’t call it an arrest; the police invited them over Mr. Ibu’s account. However, Val is left out, as he knows nothing about what’s been happening. He just returned to the country.”


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