5 Companies Linked To The Late Nigerian Banking Icon Herbert Wigwe

The untimely demise of Herbert Wigwe, the visionary leader in the Nigerian banking sector, has left an enduring mark on the industry, with his legacy thriving through the institutions he molded and initiatives he championed.

1. Access Holdings

Access Holdings is a financial powerhouse spanning 12 African nations and reaching into Europe, stands as a testament to Wigwe’s visionary leadership. As Group Managing Director and CEO, he not only steered the conglomerate to success but also held a significant 9.09 percent stake, exemplifying his unwavering commitment to its global growth and diversification.

2. Access Bank Plc

The crown jewel of Access Holdings, Access Bank Plc, reflects Wigwe’s strategic brilliance. From the pivotal acquisition in 2002 to the landmark merger with Diamond Bank in 2018, he propelled Access Bank to become Nigeria’s largest lender. Serving over 49 million customers across three continents, the bank embodies Wigwe’s vision of a customer-centric, full-service commercial powerhouse.

3. Tengen Holdings Limited

Tengen Holdings, a Mauritius-based investment company, intertwines with the Wigwe family’s financial interests. Through strategic investments, particularly in Access Holdings, Wigwe showcased foresight in securing long-term growth and stability, leaving an indelible mark on his family and the broader Access community.

4. HOW Foundation

Founded by Wigwe in 2016, the Herbert Onyewumbu Wigwe Foundation (HOW Foundation) stands as a testament to his commitment to societal development. Focused on youth empowerment, leadership, and health, the foundation has played a vital role in malaria and prostate cancer awareness, education, and community support, especially during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

5. Wigwe University

Herbert Wigwe’s visionary reach extended to education with the announcement of Wigwe University in November 2023. With a groundbreaking investment of $500 million, he aimed to revolutionize Nigeria’s educational landscape, addressing the skills deficit and nurturing the next generation of leaders. The university represents Wigwe’s enduring belief in the transformative power of education to shape Nigeria’s future.

As the financial community mourns the loss of Herbert Wigwe, his legacy lives on through these institutions, each a testament to his transformative leadership and unwavering commitment to shaping a brighter future for Nigeria.

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