10 Great Differences Between Simeon Ekpa And Other Kanu’s Followers – IPOB Leader In West Africa

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu (MNK), the Leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra, IPOB has millions of followers all over the world, but he has only one faithful Disciple called Simeon Ekpa (SE).

Before MNK was captured in Kenya and brought back to Nigerian DSS custody, he said that he needed only 100 Disciples to restore the state of Biafra.

The Difference Between Simeon Ekpa (SE) Vs Other MNK Followers:

1. MNK constrained SE and dismissed Others.

2. SE cleans and arranged the seat, but Others comes to sit on the seat.

3. SE is the last man standing in the struggle, but others were being used to sabotage the struggle.

4. SE complements others, but others complains against SE.

5. SE is here to achieve this last miracle on earth, but Others are just here to receive this miracle.

6. SE always seeks for autopilot solution, while others are busy seeking to find faults in SE autopilot.

7. SE was there when it started, but many others have denied MNK and their membership as IPOB.

8:SE came to give his life, but others comes to fill their pocket.

9. SE comes to restore the sovereign state of Biafra, but others came to set confusion and distraction.

10. SE stays to build Biafra, while others are looking for a way to destroy what the enemies of Biafra could not destroy during 1967 – 1970 Biafra VS Nigeria Civil War, and that is “the Biafran spirit”.

Simon Ekpa is one of the disciples of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu that helped to make the sun to rise again and overcome darkness by restoring the state of Biafra in West Africa.

Ever since Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was in the DSS dungeon, SE stayed and stand firm, but other followers of MNK left, forsake, disappointed and abandoned him.

Millions of the followers of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu are never the part of this last miracle on earth (Restoration of Biafra), but they only joined the movement to see how the miracle will happen.

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has no confidence on the millions of his followers (multitude); that was why he needed just a 100 disciplined-disciples to Restore Biafra.

Who are you in this struggle? Are you a disciple or the multitude in IPOB?

The Multitude are busy seeking for this last miracle to happen, while the disciples are busy working for the miracle to happen ASAP.

Just like Moses, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu also wanted his people to go and enter this beautiful promise land before him.

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