Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day: The Origin And Evolution Of The Saying

Rome is one of the world’s greatest cities, with an abundance of architectural wonders, artistic masterpieces, ancient treasures, and a food culture that is second to none. However, this rich heritage did not develop overnight. It took thousands of years for Rome to grow from a small settlement to a bustling metropolis, enduring the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, the formation of the Papal States, the Renaissance, and the Unification of Italy along the way. As the saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” But where did this phrase come from?

The Origins Of The Phrase

The first known reference to the saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” wasn’t made by a Roman or even an Italian. It was actually made by a 12th-century cleric in the court of Phillippe of Alsace, the Count of Flanders, in present-day Belgium. The phrase was captured in a medieval French poem dating back to 1190 and was recorded as “Rome ne fu pas faite toute en un jour”. The poem was published in the book “Li Proverbe au Vilain” by Swiss linguist Adolf Tobler in 1895.

The Evolution Of The Phrase

Three centuries after being uttered in a court in Flanders, the expression appeared in the English language in Richard Taverner’s translation of Desiderius Erasmus’ work, “Adages.” Around the same time, in 1538, playwright and author John Heywood included it in his work, “A Dialogue Containing the Number in Effect of all the Proverbs in the English Tongue,” or “Proverbs” for short. Although appearing in a much longer form, many credit this particular usage as the point at which the expression really took off. Heywood was well known for his plays and poems, but it was his collection of proverbs that really made him famous. He might not have actually thought them all up, but a number of expressions featured in his book “Proverbs” are still in common use today. “Out of sight, out of mind,” “better late than never,” and “the more the merrier” were all documented by Heywood.

The Phrase In Popular Culture

Shortly after Heywood’s publication, other writers began quoting or adapting the phrase, and it was even used by Queen Elizabeth I in 1563 during an address in Cambridge. The phrase has since become a part of popular culture, appearing in literature, music, and film. In 1962, Johnnie Taylor released a soul song titled “Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day,” and in 2000, electronic band Morcheeba released a song with the same title.

In conclusion, the saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” has a long and fascinating history. It originated in a medieval French poem dating back to 1190 and was later translated into English and included in John Heywood’s book of proverbs in 1538. The phrase gained popularity and has since become a part of popular culture, appearing in literature, music, and film. Today, it is a common expression used to convey the idea that great accomplishments take time and effort to achieve.


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