Abdourahamane Tchiani: Biography of the General leading Niger’s Coup

Abdourahamane Tchiani, also known as Omar Tchiani, is a Nigerien military officer and the current president of the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland. With a distinguished military career spanning several decades, Tchiani has played key roles in combating drug trafficking, participating in UN peacekeeping missions, and defending the presidential palace during an attempted coup. His recent leadership in the 2023 Nigerien coup d’état has thrust him into the spotlight as he seeks to safeguard the future of Niger amidst a challenging political landscape.

Early Life and Education

Abdourahamane Tchiani was born in either 1960 or 1961 in the Tillabéri Region of Niger. This region is known as a major recruitment area for the Nigerien army. Tchiani joined the army in 1984 and later pursued his education at the National School of Active Officers in Thiès, Senegal.

Military Career and Achievements

Tchiani’s military career has been marked by significant achievements and positions of leadership. Before becoming the commander of the presidential guard, he served in various regions of Niger, including Zinder, Agadez, and Diffa, where he played a crucial role in combating drug trafficking. In 1989, Tchiani received recognition for being the first officer to reach the site of the UTA Flight 772 crash in the Ténéré desert.

Additionally, Tchiani has served in several UN peacekeeping missions, including those in Ivory Coast, Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. His dedication and contributions to these missions further solidified his reputation as a capable military officer.

Rise to Prominence and Allegations

In 2011, Tchiani assumed command of the presidential guards and became a trusted ally of then-President Mahamadou Issoufou. Recognizing his skills and loyalty, Issoufou promoted Tchiani to the rank of general in 2018. However, in 2015, Tchiani faced accusations of involvement in a coup plot against Issoufou. He vehemently denied these charges and defended himself in court.

Thwarting an Attempted Coup

In 2021, Tchiani played a pivotal role in thwarting an attempted coup. As a military unit tried to seize the presidential palace just days before Issoufou’s planned transition of power to Mohamed Bazoum, Tchiani led the forces that successfully defended the palace. Bazoum, acknowledging Tchiani’s capabilities, retained him in his position as the commander of the presidential guard.

The 2023 Nigerien Coup d’état

On July 26, 2023, Tchiani led the presidential guards in detaining President Mohamed Bazoum in the presidential palace in Niamey. This act marked the beginning of the 2023 Nigerien coup d’état. Analysts suggest that Bazoum had planned to relieve Tchiani from his position, which may have contributed to the coup. Sources close to Bazoum reported that their relationship had become strained, leading to the decision to dismiss Tchiani.

Leadership of the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland

On July 28, Tchiani proclaimed himself as the president of the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland in a televised address. He justified the coup by stating that it was necessary to prevent the gradual demise of the country. Tchiani criticized the government’s security strategy and highlighted the harsh reality faced by the people of Niger, characterized by death, displacement, humiliation, and frustration. However, he did not provide a specific timeline for a return to civilian rule.

Personal Details and Religious Beliefs

Abdourahamane Tchiani follows the Muslim religion. His net worth is estimated to be around $4 million.

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